Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, & Medicine

File a STEMM Report

Just as news programs rely on reporters to report stories, interview newsmakers, and provide details, The Luxipolis Radio Hour relies on viewers like you to find and report on items related to STEMM topics.

If you have a topic in mind, and would like to file a report, you can use the button below to find our 'Report Submission Application.' This is your first step towards becoming part of the program!

There are fees involved that cover our time and effort involved in vetting reports and getting them on the air. The fees also serves to discourage those who are not prepared to take this task seriously. First-time reporters will also have to take a brief course on how to prepare their report for broadcast. In order to fund your report, you may seek sponsors or advertisers and include mention of them in your report.

We have to review your idea, just an an editor must review the articles that get included in a newspaper or a magazine, and we need your permission to broadcast your voice, so we ask you to sign a release that allows us to do these things.

Once everything is in order, and we have your recording, release, and all associated payments, then we'll let you know when it will be broadcast!

Suggest a Vita Mentis Challenge

Our Vita Mentis segment is designed to get our audience thinking, and to challenge them to find a solution for themselves.

If you have a solvable problem that will get people thinking for a bit, and maybe building or experimenting as well, hit our Vita Mentis submission button below to find the submission form.

If we like you're idea, we'll ask you to record it, and, if all goes well, we'll put it on the air! The process is pretty much the same as that for submitting reports (see above)

Become a STEMM Supporter

The Luxipolis Radion Hour is made possible, in part, though the support of listeners, like yourself. Sponsors will have their names announced as supporters of the STEMM segment, and, if you have a longer message (up to 2 minutes maximum) we can broadcast that as well (message costs are pro-rated to their length and the number of times they run.) Your generosity will help keep this show on the air.

If you would lke your message to run in connection with the STEMM segment, and you would lke to be acknowledged on the air as a STEMM supporter, check 'STEMM' in the category portion of the sponsorship form. Thank You!